May 26, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding the spread of COVID-19.
In an effort to provide accurate and helpful information to POMA members, we have gathered some of the resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time. We hope this helps you in staying on top of the latest developments in the spread of the disease and in helping your patients.
Stay safe and healthy!

New Headlines
Gov. Wolf Signs Renewal of COVID-19 Disaster Declaration to Aid in Recovery
On May 20th, Governor Tom Wolf signed a renewal of the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic.
The emergency disaster declaration provides for increased support to state agencies involved in the continued response to the virus and recovery for the state during reopening. It has allowed for waivers and extensions to continue to provide for Pennsylvanians and businesses, including allowing the commonwealth to suspend numerous training requirements and certification and licensure renewals for health care professionals, child care workers, direct care workers, direct support professionals, among other professional groups who provide life-sustaining services to our children, seniors, and vulnerable residents.
The flexibilities available because of the disaster declaration have allowed many more health care professionals to provide services virtually during the pandemic, expanding opportunities for individuals to seek needed physical and mental health services. It allows the commonwealth to increase the number of vaccine providers and improve vaccine distribution.
Waiver Expanded to Allow Qualified Pennsylvania Vaccinators to Administer COVID-19 Vaccine to 12- to 15-Year-Olds
On May 12th the Pennsylvania Department of State requested and the Governor approved, that the previously authorized change in the age restriction in the PREP Act and subsequent amendments be further lowered from 16- and 17-year-olds be further lowered to 12 years of age and older.
This waiver applies solely to COVID-19 vaccines, and shall last for the duration of the Governor's Disaster Emergency Declaration plus an additional 90 days thereafter, unless terminated sooner.
Pennsylvania's COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Pennsylvania is currently administering the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination numbers for Pennsylvania do not include Philadelphia, which is its own jurisdiction, or federal facilities, which are working directly with the federal government.
According to the PA Department of Health, this week, a total of 10,749,200 doses will have been allocated through May 29.
As of May 25, a total of 10,261,761 doses have been administered:
- First/single doses: 6,116,624
- Partially vaccinated: 1,600,154
- Fully vaccinated: 4,518,470
According to the CDC, as of May 25, 52.1% of Pennsylvanians age 18 and older are fully vaccinated.
Pennsylvania Ends Mask Requirements for Fully Vaccinated People, per CDC Guidance
Pennsylvania has ended mask requirements for fully vaccinated people based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s updated guidance on masking.
The CDC said that fully vaccinated people no longer have to wear face coverings indoors or outdoors except in some circumstances, including health care settings and long-term care homes, on public transportation and at businesses that will still require them. The agency also removed the requirement for physical distancing of 6 feet in those situations.
People who have not been fully vaccinated, defined as two weeks after the single Johnson & Johnson or the two-shot Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna regimens, should still wear masks and follow physical distancing guidelines, the CDC said.
POMA Members Can Receive PPE Discounts
Through POMA's partnership with, we are able to help our members acquire proper PPE supplies. Launched in South Carolina, ActionPPE has supplied over 2.6 million units of PPE to members of over 20 state medical organizations through a reputable and certified supplier. By pooling resources, POMA members receive a 5% discount on PPE orders when they use the discount code POMA-SAVE5. Product details and certificates for masks, gowns, gloves, face shields, etc. are provided on the site with most items in-stock and shipping directly to your office.
PA Health Alert Network (PA HAN) - Health Alerts, Advisories and Updates
Previously Published but Relevant Headlines
COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Map
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has launched a provider map along with an eligibility survey on its website to help those eligible, including health care workers not affiliated with a hospital, find a location to schedule a vaccine appointment.
Users can search by location, type in an address or zip code and filter by facility type.
Updated Pennsylvania Coronavirus Links: Press Releases, State Lab Cases, Graphics, Resources
Briefings and Updates from Pa. Governor Wolf and the Department of Health
Resources from the CDC
The CDC has provided guidance and resources for healthcare providers, healthcare facilities, laboratories, as well as information for schools and childcare, businesses and employers, community and faith-based organizations, and the general public. Visit the CDC COVID-19 webpage for more information.
POMA will continue monitoring COVID-19 and provide updates and recommendations from PA-DOH, the CDC, the WHO and local health agencies. POMA's COVID-19 webpage and social media channels will be updated as information is shared from these organizations.
If you have any comments or questions for POMA, please email us at [email protected].