Annie Donia
October 2024 | Vol. 68, No. 1 Written by Richard Donze, DO, MPH
sleeps more rests less making breaking daily records daily for total daytime hours in bed pjs robe slippers and on screen stares more cares less scrolls eats
more tastes less of recipes that float fast as time-lapse photo clouds across a hand- held blue light sky some pinned and prepared
some not some pinned prepared and swallowed ho hum blah meh checks weather to know whether to go nowhere waits till dark bigger blue screen channel up channel down
skimming surfing waves of wind-driven forests a- flame here clouds drop- ping funnels floods on plains flat as everyday moods there virus spread- ing everywhere channel
up fortune wheels spin channel down voices turn chairs channel up stars dance channel up stairs eyelids droop on no dreams only still-a- wake wishes dawn will
break new. |