May 12, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
POMA continues to monitor the rapidly changing information surrounding the spread of COVID-19.
In an effort to provide accurate and helpful information to POMA members, we have gathered some of the resources we are finding to be most useful and accurate at this time. We hope this helps you in staying on top of the latest developments in the spread of the disease and in helping your patients.
Stay safe and healthy!

New Headlines
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Approved for 12-15 Year Olds
Today, May 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 12-15 year-olds. The panel voted 14-0 with one recusal to recommend the vaccine expansion, which could be deployed as soon as tomorrow. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized its use on Monday, May 10.
Vaccine providers in Pennsylvania have been instructed to be ready for vaccination requests for this age group later this week. Like other general medical services, these individuals require consent. The DOH recommends vaccine providers follow their current policy for vaccinations of minors.
Gov. Wolf Announces Revisions to Gathering Limits and Mitigation Orders; Philadelphia to Lift COVID Restrictions in June
Governor Tom Wolf recently announced the lifting of restrictions for events and gatherings, as well as lifting COVID-19 mitigation orders.
Effective Monday, May 17, event and gathering maximum occupancy limits will be increased to 50 percent for indoor events and gatherings, and 75 percent for outdoor events and gatherings. This update will not prevent municipalities, school districts, restaurants and venues from continuing and implementing stricter mitigation efforts.
Effective Monday, May 31, all mitigation orders except face coverings will be lifted on Memorial Day.
Face coverings are still to be worn indoors and outdoors if you are away from your home. The current order requiring Pennsylvanians to wear masks will be lifted when 70 percent of Pennsylvanians age 18 and older are fully vaccinated.
Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley recently announced that Philadelphia will lift all COVID-19 restrictions on capacity for businesses and events on June 11. The city's mask mandate will remain in place until further notice.
Pennsylvania's COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Pennsylvania is currently administering the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination numbers for Pennsylvania do not include Philadelphia, which is its own jurisdiction, or federal facilities, which are working directly with the federal government.
According to the PA Department of Health, this week, a total of 9,556,320 doses will have been allocated through May 15.
As of May 12, a total of 9,381,098 doses will have been administered:
- First/single doses: 5,713,828
- Partially vaccinated: 1,715,619
- Fully vaccinated: 3,998,209
According to the CDC, as of May 12, 46.2% of Pennsylvanians age 18 and older are fully vaccinated.
CMS Expanding Efforts to Increase Vaccine Confidence
On May 11, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a rule that will ensure long-term care facilities, and residential facilities serving clients with intellectual disabilities, educate and offer the COVID-19 vaccine to residents, clients and staff. These requirements apply to Long-Term-Care (LTC) facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and align with existing requirements for influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in LTC facilities.
The rule also requires LTC facilities to report weekly COVID-19 vaccination status data for both residents and staff. The new vaccination reporting requirement will assist in monitoring uptake amongst residents and staff, and will aid in identifying facilities that may be in need of additional resources and/or assistance to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
POMA Members Can Receive PPE Discounts
Through POMA's partnership with, we are able to help our members acquire proper PPE supplies. Launched in South Carolina, ActionPPE has supplied over 2.6 million units of PPE to members of over 20 state medical organizations through a reputable and certified supplier. By pooling resources, POMA members receive a 5% discount on PPE orders when they use the discount code POMA-SAVE5. Product details and certificates for masks, gowns, gloves, face shields, etc. are provided on the site with most items in-stock and shipping directly to your office.
PA Health Alert Network (PA HAN) - Health Alerts, Advisories and Updates
Previously Published but Relevant Headlines
COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Map
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has launched a provider map along with an eligibility survey on its website to help those eligible, including health care workers not affiliated with a hospital, find a location to schedule a vaccine appointment.
Users can search by location, type in an address or zip code and filter by facility type.
Updated Pennsylvania Coronavirus Links: Press Releases, State Lab Cases, Graphics, Resources
Briefings and Updates from Pa. Governor Wolf and the Department of Health
Resources from the CDC
The CDC has provided guidance and resources for healthcare providers, healthcare facilities, laboratories, as well as information for schools and childcare, businesses and employers, community and faith-based organizations, and the general public. Visit the CDC COVID-19 webpage for more information.
POMA will continue monitoring COVID-19 and provide updates and recommendations from PA-DOH, the CDC, the WHO and local health agencies. POMA's COVID-19 webpage and social media channels will be updated as information is shared from these organizations.
If you have any comments or questions for POMA, please email us at [email protected].