
Don't miss out on your chance to make a difference!
Sign up to serve on a POMA committee by February 29, 2024!

POMA provides COMMUNICATION to our members, to our patients, to legislators, and to the public!
POMA provides a COMMUNITY to our members so we can be the best osteopathic physicians possible!
POMA provides EDUCATION to our members so we can provide the best care possible to our patients!
POMA provides INFLUENCE to those who can help us to serve our patients best!

POMA is our professional organization in Pennsylvania that serves us as osteopathic physicians. Now is our opportunity to serve POMA, our members and colleagues, and our patients.

Our members are the motivation behind everything that POMA does. Every committee, task force, and work group within the organization is led by and driven by POMA members like you. And we need our members to continue that tradition by volunteering their time, talent, and expertise to these groups.

Please look through the opportunities to serve. These range from technology to political advocacy, writing articles to presenting CME, mentoring to finance, and everything in between. We all have unique talents and this is our chance to share them with the organization that serves us. Learn more about the volunteer experience by listening to our podcast episode, You DO Make a Difference!

Click here to go directly to the Volunteer Form and sign up by February 29, 2024.

I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity and sign up! I look forward to working with you in your new role in POMA in the year to come!


William B. Swallow, DO
POMA President-elect

2024-2025 Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups

POMA recently centralized the majority of its energy into the following committees, task forces and work groups by pillars:

Pillar Champion - George Wolters, Jr., DO, Vice President

  • Publications Committee
  • Committee on Digital Engagement

Pillar Champion - John Kalata, DO, President

  • Committee on Physician Wellness
  • District Leadership Council
  • Membership Committee
  • Mentor Committee
  • Task Force on Military and Veteran Physician Engagement

Pillar Champion - Lisa Witherite-Rieg, DO, Immediate Past President

  • Annual Clinical Assembly Convention Committee
  • Annual Clinical Assembly Education Committee
  • Committee on Postgraduate Outreach and Engagement
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Resident Wellness Grant Review Committee

Pillar Champion - William Swallow, DO, President-elect

  • Government Affairs Committee
  • Public Policy Committee

Pillar Champion - Eric Milie, DO, Secretary/Treasurer

  • AOA HOD Task Force
  • Audit Committee
  • Bylaws Committee
  • CEO Search Committee Task Force
  • Credentials
  • Ethics Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Governance Review Task Force
  • Past Presidents Task Force
  • Property Work Group