PennState Health PM & R - Lazer Focus - March 2023

The Penn State Health PM & R residents took some time to stop focusing on the stresses of residency and converted their Lazer focus into fun and games at the Laser Dome in Manheim.  The residents enjoyed....


    of Lazer tag and the expansive arcade. It was nice change from the normal day and helped the residents learn stress relievers can come in various forms and styles. 

1. What was the general understanding of the purpose of the project/program by participants?
To foster a collaborative work environment
Promote resident wellness through physical activity and socialization with fellow residents
Wellness, team-building for residents
Promoting resident wellness through team building, healthy competition, and physical exercise in the form of laser tag.
Resident Wellness

2. During the project/program, what tangible tools or strategies were demonstrated or taught (i.e., coping skills for wellness and life balance)?
We learned how to work well in a team setting
Healthy release of stress through recreational activity
Balance in life, team building with colleagues is important for overall success/happiness
Team work and communication skills.

3. What word(s) best describes how you feel when you are experiencing stress or well-being imbalance?
Distressed and uncomfortable
Tired, on-edge
"Worn out," "need a break."
Stressed, unhappy
Run down

4. What suggestions do you have to increase the probability of success for the project/program for other institutions?

Reaching out to the residents to sponsor other activities
Providing easily accessible recreational opportunities that are accommodating of demanding resident schedule
Continue wellness activities such as this, provide additional funds if able
Increasing the frequency of it as this was a great opportunity.
Increased frequency of wellness activities