Colonel Jonathan Oline, DO
After a 22-year career as an interventional osteopathic cardiologist, Colonel Jonathan Oline, DO made the decision to leave private practice and dedicate his professional career to serving the United States of America as a Deputy Command Surgeon at the 99th Readiness Division of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey.
Dr. Oline is a 1983 graduate of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, completing his post-graduate education at PCOM (Internal Medicine), Deborah Heart-Lung Center in NJ (Cardiology Fellowship) and Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia (Interventional Cardiology training). After years of practicing interventional cardiology along with general internal medicine, Dr. Oline had a chance meeting with US Army Special Forces members, and in 2006, he felt called to serve. For five years he continued with his private practice while serving in the Army Reserve. After his Iraqi deployment, he left private practice to serve the United States full-time.
Colonel Oline has seen several deployments since his commitment to the US Army, including serving as field physician in active combat areas of Iraq, flight surgeon for pilots serving in Kuwait, evaluator for soldier readiness at West Point, intensivist managing patients on mechanical ventilators during the COVID pandemic at JFK Hospital, and most recently a four-month deployment to Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras. During this last deployment, he also participated in humanitarian mission work for the people of Honduras and combined disaster preparedness in Panama.
Dr. Oline found that using his osteopathic training and skills, he was able to effectively relieve musculoskeletal complaints caused by the vibrational stress flying. With the unique skill set only osteopathic training can provide, Dr. Oline was able to provide OMT to dozens of hard-working Honduran people. By providing humanitarian aid, the United States is able to help maintain good relationships with countries in Central America.
In addition to serving our country, Dr. Oline serves his profession as a Trustee-at-Large for the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association. Recently, he was named to the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine. He credits his ability to serve with passion and confidence to the support of his wife, Adriana, and the members of his POMA family.
Did you know that POMA President John Kalata, DO has named a Task Force on Military and Veteran Physician Engagement to see how POMA can best serve those who have dedicated their life to serve? Watch for surveys, programs and opportunities for our active duty and veteran women and men! |