PCOM Transitional Year - Top Golf 05.28.24

Outcomes Questions 1. What was the general understanding of the purpose of the project/program by participants? Participants recognized that the project aimed to improve mental well-being and team cohesion through a recreational activity, offering a necessary break from their busy schedules.
2. Why did you choose the specific wellness project/activity? Topgolf was selected for its casual atmosphere, which encourages bonding and teamwork, providing essential relaxation away from the demanding residency program.
3. During the project/program, what tangible tools or strategies were demonstrated or taught to address wellness and life balance? The event underscored the value of periodic recreational activities and collaborative exercises as effective methods for stress relief and maintaining wellness.
4. What do you intend to do, upon returning to work, that you learned and practiced during the activity, that will improve your response to stressful situations? We intend to integrate regular leisure breaks and enhance team interactions, leveraging the stress management and cooperation skills experienced during the event.
5. What can POMA do to address wellness and life balance for your future? POMA can continue supporting wellness programs, advocate for balanced work schedules, and offer resources for stress management to ensure residents' holistic well-being. |