Reading Hospital Tower Health - Internal Medicine Residency - Bowling Bonanza 2024

1. What was the general understanding of the purpose of the project/program by the participants? The purpose of our social event this year was to help develop wellness and encourage team building. With bowling, the residents encouraged one another to play and do their best along with some friendly competition. It fostered support and provided an opportunity for the residents to build new friendships.
2. Why did you choose the specific wellness project/activity? We chose bowling as our wellness event because we felt like it would be a great way for everyone to participate regardless of skill level. We could form small groups for each lane with residents from each PGY year so we could interact with new people.
3. During the project/program, what tangible tools or strategies were demonstrated or taught to address wellness and life balance?Bowling allowed for our residents to de-stress after a long day at work. Each lane consisted of a mix of residents from each PGY year. We learned to support one another and encouraged good sportsmanship.
4. What do you intend to do, upon returning to work, that you learned and practiced during the activity, that will improve your response to stressful situations? After the bowling event, we learned that in stressful situations we will always have the support of our fellow residents. We know we could lean on each other to push and encourage us to do better. We hope to have more social events throughout the year to continue to strengthen this support.
5. What can POMA do to address wellness and life balance for your future? We believe POMA has been doing an excellent job at organizing local social events for fellow osteopathic residents to connect with one another. This encourages networking and strengthens the osteopathic community. |